
Video: Trump Fined for Each Gag Order Violation

goddamnedfrank4/30/2024 12:47:27 pm PDT

Shit like this is how those three shirtless Israeli hostages got killed while waving a white flag, with the final wounded hostage followed into a building and murdered while he begged for his life in fluent Hebrew. There’s an entire entrenched subculture within the Israeli government and IDF that simply does not view Palestinians as even potential human beings, to the point where an injured hostage begging for mercy in their own language was viewed as a perfidious enemy.

At a recent security cabinet meeting with the IDF chief of staff, far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir questioned whether it was necessary to arrest so many terror operatives during operations in Gaza, and wondered whether the military couldn’t “kill some,” according to reports in Hebrew media.

The quotes, publicized on Friday by Channel 12 and Ynet, were said to have come from a meeting earlier this week, as Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi briefed ministers on recent operations and noted the arrests of hundreds of gunmen who surrendered to the troops.

“Why are there so many arrests?” Ben Gvir reportedly asked. “Can’t you kill some? Do you want to tell me they all surrender? What are we to do with so many arrested? It’s dangerous for the soldiers.”